My Inquiry Project – Part 1 The Question

Recently the Leadership Team at School District 48 Sea to Sky has embarked on a powerful new journey. We are creating individual inquiry projects that we will work on and then present at the end of the year. After two collaborative sessions, my inquiry question has been proposed, tweaked, scrapped, reinvented, the tweaked again. I think I have it now:

If we use Collaborative Problem Solving Strategies at our school, will it decrease the maladaptive behaviours to stressful situations for our students?

Collaborative Problem Solving is a way of doing business in a school that believes that kids do well if they can. In our alternative program, were have just begun exploring these ideas, proposed by Ross Greene (See my post: I’m a kids do well if they can guy.) The idea behind my question is that if we work proactively with students on their unsolved problems, will that work reduce the amount of maladaptive behaviours that get in the of students doing well (socially, emotionally and cognitively.)

The next step in my inquiry project is I need to determine what kinds of evidence I can collect that will help me answer my inquiry question. How or what can I use as evidence that using these strategies are reducing maladaptive behaviours? Leave a comment below or tweet me @rmass if you have any input or ideas.